Food Market StallGee Bees Media


Terms & Conditions

Site availability – the number of sites for food vendors are limited and these will generally be allocated if the vendor meets the selection criteria and once the committee has receipt of payment

Selection of food vendors – the committee reserves the right to decline applications if there are concerns regarding duplication of product within the food court or if similar products are available from our local cafes or restaurants.

Site size conditions – sites measure 6 x 3 metres wide. Placement within the food court will depend on the size of your food van/trailer/marquee set up and may be subject to change on the day. Site allocation will be decided by the festival team prior to the day.

Power – food vendors must provide their own power source. If gas bottles are being used please provide information on this in your application (i.e. size and amount).

Stall costs –

  • 6 x 3 site = $180

Payment – if your application is accepted an email will be sent to your nominated email account with payment options. All sites must be paid for no later than 10 days after you have received your acceptance email. If payment is not received your site will become available to another trader.

Tables – stall holders must provide all of their own tables, chairs, marques etc.

Vehicles – Vendor vehicles not needed for trading will need to park outside of the festival zoned areas. There is free parking available along our main street (Manifold street) as well as behind the Corangamite Shire on Scott Street.

Times – Stalls need to be set up and ready for trading by 10am and remain in place until 4pm. Someone will be on site from 8am to show you to your site allocation. Please do not enter the site unless you have been told or escourted by a committee member, volunteer or other Rock the Clock team authority.

Insurance – a copy of each stall holder’s current insurance cover must accompany each booking form. A booking cannot be made without proof of insurance, food handling certificates and street traders’ registrations

The Rock the Clock Committee of Management accepts no liability for loss or damage of any property, goods or articles relating to any stall holder if such loss or damage may occur.